Journal articles and special publications:
- "A novel subcritical transition to turbulence in Taylor–Couette flow with counter-rotating cylinders." Christopher J. Crowley, Michael C. Krygier (a1), Daniel Borrero-Echeverry, Roman O. Grigoriev, and Michael F. Schatz; Journal of Fluid Mechanics 892, A12. January 2020
- "The effect of turbulence on a multi-hole Pitot calibration." Christopher Crowley, Iosif I. Shinder, Michael R. Moldover; Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 33, October 2013, Pages 106-109, ISSN 0955-5986.
- "Rheoscopic fluids in a post-Kalliroscope world." Daniel Borrero-Echeverry, Christopher J. Crowley, and Tyler P. Riddick; Physics of Fluids 30, August 2018, 087103. (Made Editor's Pick)
- "Methodology for cross-talk elimination in simultaneous voltage and calcium optical mapping measurements
with semasbestic wavelengths." Ilija Uzelac, Christopher J Crowley, Shahriar Iravanian, Tae Yun Kim, Hee
Cheol Cho, Flavio H Fenton. Frontiers in Physiology 13, February 2022. - "Improvements to NIST׳s air speed calibration service." Iosif I. Shinder, Christopher J. Crowley, B. James Filla, Michael R. Moldover; Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 44, August 2015, Pages 19–26.
- "Uncertainty Analysis of NIST’s 20 L Hydrocarbon Liquid Flow Standard." Johnson AN, Crowley CJ, Yeh TT; Journal of the Metrology Society of India, 2011 Pages 187–202.
- "Liquid Flow Meter Calibrations with the 0.1 L/s and 2.5 L/s Piston Provers." Jodie G. Pope, John D. Wright, Aaron N. Johnson, Christopher J. Crowley; NIST Special Publication 250-1039r1.
- "A Comparison of 12 US Liquid Hydrocarbon Flow Standards and the Transition to Safer Calibration Liquids." John Wright, Aaron Johnson, Gina Kline, Chris Crowley, et al.; Cal Lab 2012; 19-2:30-38.
Conference papers:
- "Isosbestic Point in Optical Mapping; Theoretical and Experimental Determination With Di-4-ANBDQPQ Transmembrane Voltage Sensitive Dye." I. Uzelac, C. J. Crowley and F. H. Fenton; 2019 Computing in Cardiology (CinC), Singapore, Singapore, 2019, pp. Page 1-Page 4.
- "NIST’s Fully Dynamic Gravimetric Liquid Flowmeter Standard." Jodie G. Pope, Aaron N. Johnson, James B. Filla, Joey T. Boyd, Christopher J. Crowley, and Vernon E. Bean; Proceeding of the International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement, Arlington, VA, 2015.
- "Design and Capabilities of NISTs Scale-Model Smokestack Simulator." Aaron N. Johnson; Joey T. Boyd; Eric Harman; Mohammad M. Khalil; Jacob E. Ricker; Christopher J. Crowley; Rodney A. Bryant; Iosif I. Shinder; Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement, Arlington, VA, 2015.
- "Calibrations of Multi-holed Pitot Tubes Depend on Turbulence." I.I.Shinder, C.J.Crowley, M.R.Moldover; Proceeding of the MSC 2012, Pasadena, California.
- "Improvements To NIST’s Air Speed Calibration Service." Iosif I. Shinder, Christopher J. Crowley, B. James Filla, Michael R. Moldover; Proceeding of the Flomeko 2013, Paris, France.
- "Computer Simulation for Flow Hysteresis during Multi-hole Pitot Tube Calibration." Hsin-Hung Lee, Iosif I. Shinder, Christopher J. Crowley, John D. Wright, Michael R. Moldover; Proceeding of the 20th National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2013, Nantou, Taiwan.
- "Removing the Hydrocarbon Liquid from Hydrocarbon liquid Flow Standards." Jodie G. Pope and Christopher J Crowley; Proceedings of the 16th International Flow Measurement Conference FLOMEKO, 2013.
- "Improved Nozzle Manifold for Gas Flow Calibrations." Aaron N. Johnson, Chunhui Li, John D. Wright, Gina M. Kline, and Christopher J. Crowley; Proceeding of the International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement, Colorado Springs CO, 2012.
Unpublished articles:
- A short numerical investigation of the dynamic stability of an inverted pendulum. This article was written as a class project for Statistical Mechanics II taught by Prof. Kurt Wiesenfeld in 2014.
- A short numerical look at the synchronization of Anticonformist Populations. This article was written as a class project for Statistical Mechanics II taught by Prof. Kurt Wiesenfeld in 2014.
- The Search for Coherent Structures in Turbulence. My thesis proposal presented in 2020.